Leeds Teaching NHS Trust is one of the largest acute trusts in the UK, with 17,000 staff and a £1.3bn spend. The Trust is responsible for providing hospital and specialist services across seven sites and additionally host the Yorkshire Nightingale Hospital.
The city of Leeds is known for its strong presence in the medical and healthcare sectors and is the home to the headquarters of NHS England, Department of Health and NHS Digital. Leeds also has strong links with professional services, digital and manufacturing sectors and adopts a city-wide collaborative approach to drive innovation and development.
Leeds Teaching NHS Trust are at the forefront of this development and are a key partner in developing the new Leeds Innovation District – in collaboration with University of Leeds, Leeds Beckett University and Leeds City Council.
Leeds is central to the Government’s Health Infrastructure Plan, which will provide £600m+ investment in two state of the art hospitals – a new Leeds General Infirmary and Leeds Children’s Hospital. This will ensure that Leeds remains a renowned centre for specialist services with modern environmentally sustainable sites.
The Leeds Way is a set of visions and values, which was developed by Leeds Teaching NHS Trust and undertaken through a large staff engagement programme. Staff were asked to describe the behaviours and leadership they believed were needed to be the very best and to achieve our vision. The resulting programme is now embedded in to all aspects of the Trust’s work and staff across the organisation work to the following goals:
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Luis Covell
Luis is a specialist recruiter for procurement professionals in the NHS and wider public sector across Yorkshire, North East and the East Midlands. Luis has a particular focus on placing candidates in permanent and interim positions under the Crown Commercial Service via Frameworks RM6002 – Permanent Recruitment Services and RM6160 – Interim & Fixed Term services. He covers a wide variety of roles and levels including; Heads of Procurement, Procurement Specialists, Procurement Officers, Category Managers, Contracts Managers and Buyers.
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