Head of Clinical Services

Welcome from the CEO

We are delighted you are interested in joining our team of dedicated professionals who make LCW an organisation which enjoys an outstanding reputation in the communities we serve. This reputation is a result of the hard work, creativity and dedication of colleagues across the organisation. We are proud of our social enterprise status which underpins the services we deliver.

Our vision is to deliver high quality services which support and empower patients in need. 

I hope that this overview of LCW encourages you to apply. 

Kind Regards, 

Tessa Harvey 

Our Mission

To ensure patients can get the best possible care, in the right place, at the right time by continually improving access to integrated urgent care services.

About LCW

LCW is a clinically-led, social enterprise provider of integrated urgent and primary care services to the NHS. We provide services across North West, North Central and North East London. We are committed to constantly improving our services to meet the needs of our patients and do this by working collaboratively with system partners to innovate and develop robust and effective clinical pathways.

We put patients and commissioners first, not profits. For over 25 years, LCW has been supporting London’s health system -working in partnership with other care providers to deliver value for money, responsive urgent and unscheduled care, ensuring patients get the best possible care in the right place, at the right time. 

LCW is trusted by commissioners to support transformation across the full care system, and our track record speaks for itself. From being the first 111 test site provider in London, to developing the first model for integrated urgent care (111 and GP out-of-hours services) in North Central London CCG, to standing up 24/7 pandemic response services in a matter of hours, we’ve always been there supporting commissioners, providers and patients. 

We continually strive to enhance our services and improve

are pathways to reduce the burden on pressured areas of the wider health system including ambulances, emergency departments, and primary care. We care for up to 4.5 million patients each year across multiple service contracts; our experienced team of staff and clinicians provide advice and support, as well as referring patients elsewhere across the health and care system according to their needs. Our clinical teams revalidate low priority ambulance and all emergency department referrals received through the 111 system to prevent unnecessary conveyance to hospital. As a result, less than 6% of urgent calls managed by LCW result in an ambulance and less than 9% of patients are referred to an urgent treatment centre or emergency department. 

Through regular engagement with patients, providers and commissioners, we identify evidence of good practice and share the learning with our partners. We have well-tested, robust systems and processes in place for governing our services. These systems are based on the CQC domains and updated regularly to keep pace with service developments, the changing needs of patients, and new legislation.


We are actively recruiting for a Head of Clinical Services role at our St Charles Centre for Health & Wellbeing. 

For more information about the role, please click the “Learn More” button to download our candidate pack containing more details about the role. 

Head of Clinical Services

Meet the Consultant

Scott joined Castlefield as a Principal Consultant with over 10 years’ experience recruiting medical/clinical professionals, bringing a wealth of knowledge which covers all things clinical within the NHS and private healthcare. His experience brings confidence to clients, implementing a thorough approach to sourcing the right candidates for those hard to fill niche roles.

Get in Touch

If you would like to find out more about the Head of Clinical Services role, please get in contact with us today.  

Apply Now

If you would like to apply for our Head of Clinical Services role, please click to “Apply Now” button and submit your CV.